Monday, December 27, 2010


Semalam tolong mummy wat muffin memandangkan mummy agk buzy. Jadi mulalah aksi2 or adegan2 'gadis yang tak pandai bikin kueh' :) haha.

First, mummy explain dlu mcm mne nak buat. Kang trus buat, ntah pape jd nnt.

Muka ceria buat muffin :)

Ok, dah mula fokus kira brape kuantiti, mcm mne nk gaul n etc..

Okay, this is the last step sebelum bakar dalam oven.

Dah siap :D Thx mummy, Kak Rosy n Aqilah.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Owh ya, sy dah abes kerja :D

One whole month of happiness, stress-ness, sadness, and any-ness you can think off.

Nice to know Kak Aina, Kak Nurul, Kak Nida, Anis, Mak Ngah, anak-anaknya, Kak Aniyah, Kak Yam, Kak Tini, Kak Ju, Abang Zizie, Abang Eric, and of course family Puan Faridah and Encik Razli.

Paling tak ble bla, bila bertikam lidah bersama anaknya Syafirah. Hahaha. Budak tu mmg tak mau kalah.

Papehal, ini merupakan pengalaman baru bg saya kerana sebelum2 ini, sy hanya mampu bertahan 1 hari di kilang dan 3 hari di BATA.

Miss you all and thanks a lot for all the tings you guys thought me.

Ini separuh dr nama2 yang disebutkan, kerana sepanjang kerja, hp dirampas. Jd xdpt sgt la nk amek gmbr semua org. Papehal, anda pasti diingati.

Hari ini,

Langit begitu cerah skali pagi td.
Diriku teringing makan nasi lemak.
Bangun pagi, siap2 turun bawah.
Trus jln kluar menuju kedai.
Da sparuh jln, perut buat hal.
Nk tumpang sekolah tpi jln, pak guard plak xd.
Nk x nk, patah blk, tumpang umah kak nunung.
Malunya, mintak amppuuunnnn.

Selesai buang saham.
Sambung perjalanan ke kedai.
Sampainye disana, order makanan.
Makan sampai kenyang.
Time nk byr, kak ipah sibk cite psl EX saya.
Dia xphm kowt mksd PUTUS, BREAK atau CLASH.
Owh ya, org tua2 ni mmg xphm.
Byr agk mhl, air pown mahal.
Tp disbbkn da msk prut, harga xmenjadi hal.

Pergi Carefour utk bli brg UiTM.
Byk gk bli, tp mmy kata npe tuna skit sgt.
Sry, ila igt dah byk da brg bli.
Jd xnk tambah.
Blk, main cafe world kt FB, tp slow sgt.
Sakit ati.

Ptg g taman.
Sebelum tu, mkn kt umah kak nunung.
Ya ampun, byk nye aku mkn -___-"
Mcm mne nk aim bdn mcm model dlm SEVENTEEN?
Berangan je lebih. HAHA.

Papehal, xsbr nk blk Melaka :)

Anis Fariheen :P

First of all, the name above, belongs to my dearest friend which I've known from my first semester in UiTM Dihatiku *cewah cewah*

My first impression? She was a little bit ego, cranky, snob, all the negative you can think of. After some time, I try to blend in with her attitude, her hobbies, her way of thinking and saying out loud about her ideas which can be sometimes ridiculous. For example, she was the one who proposed to me to start selling foods for sahur during the fasting month. At first, I thought, how on earth we can sell those foods? Waktu malam plak tuh. Tak penat ker? So, like it or not, we try our luck on how does it fell to be like makcik yang jual makanan tiap2 malam, tiap2 hari.

Okay, back to first semester.

She likes to listen to music very loud eventhough some were distracted by it. But, she didn't care, because for her, it's her music and it is in her room. She liked it that way. Ko cakap la brape byk kali ngn Anis ni, dia xkan berubah. That what I like about her. She stick to herself on her own princip.

Sometimes I tried talking or open a conversation with her, man, it was hard back then. She would have this face saying, "Ko npe nk ckp ngn aku?". So, kna sabar la ngna dia.

First semester tak brape ckp sgt la ngn Anis.

But, naik je semester dua, we were a little bit closer than before but NOT as close as now. Sometimes we spend our time lunch together or even gossiping about little things, but, just for a while. If my room was empty and so does hers, I would sleep in her room and we would watch movies together. What I noticed untill now, since we have been always been left for weekends, ye lah, Tini, Amy n Chut suka balik tipa2 minggu, jd pasti kami aja yang berada di level. Because of this, kitorg jadi rapat.

By the end of semester two, we started to get closer and closer and closer. HAHAHA. We would study together for final and she would be my so-called-teacher for every subject. I am so thankful to her. Thanks ayyy lot, ANIS :)

Ok, semester tiga plak.

Time ni, memang dah konfem rapat la. Habis je klas, pasti ktorg lepak dlu kt blik, cerita apa2 jer, masalah ke, gosip ker. Then mkn lunch sama2. Shopping sme2. G makan cendol sme2. Igt x anis? Kte pusing2 cri cendol, mcm pe ntah, tambah ngan pakcik polis lg. OWH! OWH! OWH! Igt tak pasal saman-bagai tu? Ala, yang pakcik gelabah tu? HAHA. Itulah antara pengalaman and kenangan yang xdpt dilupakan dgn u. Gara2 nak g bundle sgt, HAHA -_-"

Tgh seronok cuti semester, tup tup, u get to go to fast track next semester. if you're not here with me in Malacca, who will accompany me for breakfast, lunch, dinner, shopping, studying? I know I can't hold you back, but, I'm surely gonna miss you ayyy lot :'(

Tu lah, we cannot judge a book by it's cover and we cannot judge people by their attitudes or appearance. Tgk2, aku kutuk2 ko, lekat gk kawan ngn ko. Aku syg ko lah.

Owh ya, sempena birthday anda ni, SELAMAT HARI JADI yang ke-19 :D
Baru nk 19 yer, org lain dah nk 20 dah -____-" *seperti diriku ini, huhu*

Moga2, kita kawan lama ye.

Anis Fariheen bt. Ismail

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

takpe takpe

Hari ini saya ingin membebel tentang hari ini. Mesti la hari ini, takkan esok atau pun lusa kn? Haha. Okay2, pulang semula ke pangkal jalan.

Hari ini bangun pagi, gosok gigi, cuci muka, pakai baju. Eh2, da macam lagu kanak-kanak riang plak. He2 Then makan pagi, trus pergi keje.

Pergi keje, pagi2 buhsan la. Tak de pe sgt nak buat. Jadi saya merajinkan la diri untuk membaca blog Hanis Zalikha. Blog dia sgt la best, walaupun ayat tak sehebat mana. Tp dia macam mempunyai satu aura yang dapat menarik people untuk membaca blognya. Saya rasa, sekarang nih, dia dah femes gitu, da h macam artis dah kowt. Dia student, model, apa lagi ya? Tak sure lah. Apa kata anda google sendiri dan cari tahu :)

Then, kena kira stok, mcm biasa lah. Nama pown duduk office. Tp yang geramnya, satu jer, tak boleh pegang HP! Gatal betul anak boss pergi ngadu, padahal bukan kami yang main HP, anak dia sendiri yang main. Then cakap kami pulak. Perghhh ini boleh bikin panazzzzz. So, nak tak nak, redha je lah HP disimpan dalam laci -_____-"

Nak turun jaga kt kedai, tak boleh. Boss larang, hmmmm. Payah betul.

Muka saya dikala kebosanan. Ye, duduk saja kt office pown bole buhsan.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Afternoon, pimples ;)

How was lunch? Great? Good!

Monday Blues is occuring. Quite lazy and confius for now. Didn't manage to do things well.

Sabar je la. Lagi 2 minggu jer. Lepas tuh, bye2.

Owh AWAK, bila kte nk jumpe ye? Dah 1 bulan lebih ni tak jumpa awak.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

saje je

Man, so sleepy lah..

Every night I kept on dreaming stupid things, which made my body felt tired in the morning.

Can't wait for this job to be over. 2 weeks ++ and counting.

Kerja layan customer lagi best dari duduk je kat office. Tapi nak buat mcm mne, ni je kerja yang kosong. huhu.

Redha je lah.

Arif is sooo sombong sejak kebelakangan ni. Dude, wa kerja ngn mak lu, singgah2 la jenguk gua. Takkan jenguk gadis2 tu jer. Pergh.. *geram geram*

(sebenarnye tak kesah pown klau dia ada ke x, he2)

Friday, December 03, 2010


Hye :D

Yeah, still working. I've just had lunch. Menu? Biasa-biasa saja. Chicken and rice.

Today, not many customer came. Maybe because it's Friday. Wait for tomorrow-lah klau nak ramai :D

Jemput-jemput la datang ke kompleks PKNS, kepada mereka-mereka yang masih mempunyai adik-adik yang bersekolah.

Thursday, December 02, 2010


The word that I couldn't really understand until now.
No, I'm not talking about my beloved boyfriend or friends.
This is me, trying to figure out how does this word helps me to understand better,
in my world.
I'm not saying I had enough of it, or I didn't have enough either.
It's just, lately I think I had been neglected by some people.
I've been push around.
I've been accused of something I didn't do.
Sometimes, people think that I'm the one who is responsible for everything,
where the fact, I'm not.
I kept crying all night, wondering when will the problems solved.
I'm stress. I wish all of you would understand.
Try to listen to what I'm trying to say,
even though I may not say a word.
Just listen.


Just something to express my morning.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Kenapa la UiTM nye student portal punye HEP sistem, tak boleh nk bukak ha?

Macam mne nk jwb setuju kolej, klau tak boleh bukak?

Klau aku tak dapat kolej next sem, aku saman UiTM.

Jap2, bukan UiTM la. RS sudah ngan MANTAN MT last sem.

Sebab apa? Sebab diorang yang handle kad2 aktiviti semua!

Aku pny kad aktiviti penuh kowt dgn stiker2 aktiviti semua.

klau tak dapat, memang sgt.. INI TIDAK ADIL!

I Miss You

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back

My neighbors thinkI'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have

At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You

In hopes you're onthe other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They sayI've gone mad
YeahI've gone mad

But they don't knowwhat I know
Cause when thesun goes down
someone's talking back
Yeah They're talking back

At night when the starslight up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You

In hopes you're onthe other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you
In hopes you're onthe other side

Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away


It's December people!

So, that means I have been working for almost 2 weeks. I worked in an office for a school uniforms company. What do I have to do, you ask? Well, let see.

  1. I have to do filing.
  2. I have to combine the invoice and it's purchase orders.
  3. I have to pack orders and put barcodes on it.
  4. I have to count the stock and re-stock.
  5. I have to do the purchase order.
  6. I have to run up and down the stairs to the shop below ( since the lift was damn slow )

That's all for today. Happy December :)

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